Tuesday, October 19, 2010


today the 7th graders are printing their lino blocks in a room that was meant to be a science classroom - my art room. it is amazing to watch them line up at the sink without killing each other. when we print we don't use brayers. wait, you might be saying, i thought you taught computer art. right, i do, we use the photos that the kids take.

  • they look for photos that have large shapes and little detail 
  • images that fill the 12 x 12 block with more positive than negative space. 
when it is time to print they limit themselves to 3 colors of ink (a light, a medium, and a dark)

  • they apply the ink directly to the block in dots. 
  • they use a large bristle brush and try not to use too much water because the ink must remain sticky. i
  •  ask them not to clean their brushes during the application process so that the end result looks painterly and not flat like a wall. 
stay tuned for image and suggestions for making lino prints into mixed media works.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

hey there!

Thanks for attending my Tricks of the Trade session at the FAEA conference.
You can find the powerpoint and some of the other documents here.
Please feel free to add your comments, suggestions, and questions about teaching art on this blog.